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Spiritual Direction, Art, and the Celtic Journey

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

The Journey of the heart. In the last couple of years of the Covid Pandemic it has created the feeling of limitation. Then it could be viewed differently it is a slowing down from the fast pace and at time break neck speed we live our lives.

The design above is a design of my own making incorporating the Labyrinth and Celtic woven knotwork. I see them as a means of slowing down, there is a weaving back and forth as you walk a labyrinth or use a finger labyrinth. Then to follow the knotwork it does a similar thing over and under, curving and wandering around in this case the heart labyrinth. I feel our hearts can wander astray and at times we need a listening ear of a friend or a spiritual director to come alongside us, and help to get our focus back on God.

If you have ever walked a labyrinth it feels like you are lost and it tends to go back and forward and at the outer edge the path is long and it loops around and it feels like you are going back from the direction you already came from. However, it may feel like a similar path but it is a different one. On a different circuit and a different moment of that present time on the path of this Ancient tool of prayer and contemplation. This can be a sacred space that can allow a person to slow down, let go of the business of life, and release themself into the care of God, being still and aware and in the moment. Eventually you will reach the center of the heart and can lay-down or release the burdens you are carrying, it takes a conscious choice to leave them in the center in the care of God.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1Peter5:7

I find art or doodling a therapeutic practice and recently have put some of my artwork on a website for purchase. Check it out, no pressure, if you would like to support me wonderful. However, just enjoy the art, and may it have a calming affect on you as you look and ponder the art pieces. Here is one I created after my pilgrimage to Scotland.

Explore at Redbubble Celtic Flow

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